"Don't ever question the value of volunteers.  Noah's Ark was built by volunteers.  The Titanic was built by professionals."  --unknown 


So what exactly is it about TheWorkmanshipGroups that makes us unique?
Why, when there are literally thousands of service work and volunteer opportunities, is there even a need for our Twin Cities, MN-based organization?
  • Because of you, the individual.
  • Because of your creativity.
  • Because of your unique perspectives, your passions, your experiences.
  • Because each of us has something unique and special to offer.
And our goal is to give every individual the opportunity to express themselves through service work.
So, rather than simply joining an organization that serves a population that is important to you in a way that someone else feels is most beneficial, TheWorkmanshipGroups gives you:
  • the opportunity and the resources to explore and educate yourself about different causes.
  • An opportunity and a forum to customize a plan of action to serve the cause or population important to you.
  • A chance to raise awareness about the cause that is important to you.


"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."
                                                                                    -Booker T. Washington
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